Once your child is determined eligible through BabyNet you will be given the option of a service provider to provide early intervention services and service coordination for your child and family.  Your early interventionist will also serve as your service coordinator.  Early interventionists will provide you with family training visits in your home.  During those family training visits your early interventionist will work on the child’s current goals based on those decided by the family and early interventionist using research based strategies.  The early interventionist will provide the family with strategies to work on throughout the week that will continue to help the child meet the developmental milestones and current goals set on the individualized family service plan.  

The second part of the job of the early interventionist is to serve as the service coordinator.  The service coordinator will help connect you to other services around the community that will help with meeting the developmental milestones of the infant or toddler.  The services could include speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, autism screenings, genetics testing, and many other services.