Our Mission:


Provide quality family training and intervention services to children.

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Our Mission

We work with the family to create and implement an IFSP to meet the families concerns and needs while building on the strength of the families and child.

Learn More


make a referral

Contact:  Vickie Phillips/Director
(864) 237-8112

Register with babynet

An educational program administered by DHHS, helps an infant or toddler with special needs move toward his/her full potential.

Request Palmetto EI service

Palmetto EIS is one of the available providers for Greenville, Spartanburg and Cherokee counties so you can request us!


Early intervention programs enrich adverse family environments. The largest effects of the early intervention programs are on noncognitive traits. Now, what do I mean by that? I mean perseverance, motivation, self-esteem, and hard work.

James Heckman


 We Serve

Spartanburg County, Greenville-Simpsonville area, Union, Gaffney, Myrtle Beach.